• All food vendors should have their units in place between 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Friday, July 25.
• All food vendors will be responsible for trash in their area. Bring trash cans for use by your patrons.
• Food vendors may bring their own tables and chairs for use by their patrons.
• No camping. Village ordinance prohibits camping in public lots.

All food vendors should be inspected by the Van Buren-Cass County Health Department before opening in the morning at 9 a.m., Saturday, July 26, 2025. You can reach the Health Department by calling (269) 621-3143. You are responsible for arranging for your own inspection. Booths which do not have the proper licensing will not be allowed to operate during the event. All booths/tents must be down and cleaned up by 6 pm.

Registration deadline is July 14, 2025

Food vendor fees are non-refundable -- the car show will be held rain or shine! Thank you for making Paw Paw Days Extra Tasty!


In submitting this application, applicants stipulate that the Paw Paw Area Chamber of Commerce, its agents, employees and representatives have made no representation, promises or guarantees regarding vending locations or preferential treatment of any kind. In consideration of inclusion as a vendor during the 2025 Paw Paw Days and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledge, participant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Village of Paw Paw and the Paw Paw Area Chamber of Commerce and their members, agents, employees, representatives, and assigns from and against any and all liability, loss, costs, demands, claims, fines, debts or judgments, that participant or participant’s members, performers, employees, independent contractors, and/or volunteers may sustain or incur as a result of or arising from participation as a vendor in the 2025 Paw Paw Days organized by the Paw Paw Area Chamber of Commerce, such indemnification to include reasonable attorney fees.

Food Vendor


Business Information


Price: $35.00

A limited numbers of spots are available with connection for water and/or electricity for an additional $10.

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